Heavy workload, great achievement: ETH
Nieuws | de redactie
24 september 2008 | In 1901 the first Nobel Prize for achievements in psychics was awarded to Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen, who was connected to Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich. More than a century and 20 Nobel Laureates later, ETH is still at the forefront in Europe.
The 2007/08 CHE Excellence Ranking of research programs in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics & astronomy, shows ETH among the top four universities in Europe. ScienceGuide profiles this outstanding institute, with also an analysis of its performance in physics and an interview with the Rector on its future developmant and views of excellence in European HE.
The 2007/08 CHE Excellence Ranking of research programs in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics & astronomy, shows ETH among the top four universities in Europe. ScienceGuide profiles this outstanding institute, with also an analysis of its performance in physics and an interview with the Rector on its future developmant and views of excellence in European HE.
ETH Zurich is an institution of the Swiss Confederation, affiliated to the Federal Department of the
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