Nieuw artikel (6)

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13 november 2008 | Vijf Asean-lidstaten gaan een soort Bologna uitproberen. Malaysia’s Higher Education deputy director-general Yusof Kasim told that: “There was broad agreement that harmonisation was beneficial, at least among those who were aware of the philosophy. We don’t want to have one system but compatible and comparable systems.

We can agree on certain standards, the most important thing is the outcome. Equivalency was crucial but it should be equivalency of outcomes rather than years spent earning a degree.”

Nuffic-expert Eric Beerkens noteert in zijn blog dat ‘these initial discussions definitely sound similar to the ones at the start of the Bologna process. Considering the diversity of higher education systems in the ASEAN region – mixtures of English and American systems, sometimes with a Dutch, French or Spanish flavour and adapted to local  cultures and on top of that, a huge variety in terms of quality – it will be a considerable task. I do believe that in the end it can be very beneficial to the ASEAN member countries and their universities. Although I think that seven years might be a bit over-optimistic, I definitely welcome the initiative. Let’s see whether – in ten years – we’ll be talking about the Bangkok Process…’

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