1 billion boost for EU innovation

Nieuws | de redactie
9 juli 2012 | The EU Commission increased the FP7 research budget for 2013 by €1 billion to a total of €8.1 billion. Research into human health, environment, urbanization and ICT are particularly emphasized.

The European Commission budgeted a total of €8.1 billion forinvestments into research and innovation for 2013, according to itspress release today. The final budgetrepresents a €1 billion increase over this year’s funds.

Knowledge is key

Research institutes may get financing from the FP7 funds if theyfocus on key areas. These include “human health, protecting theenvironment and finding new solutions to growing challenges linkedto urbanisation and managing waste.”

“Knowledge is the currency of the global economy. If Europewants to continue to compete in the 21st century, we must supportthe research and innovation that will generate growth and jobs, nowand in the future. The high level of competition for EU fundingmakes sure that taxpayers’ money goes to the best projects thattackle issues that concern all of us,” European Research,Innovation and Science Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinncommented.

Which area gets how much

“In total €4.8 billion is dedicated to thematic researchpriorities. Industrial innovation will be supported throughclose-to-market activities such as piloting, demonstration,standardisation and technology transfer,” the European Commissionstated.

“Special attention will be given to Small and Medium-sizedEnterprises (SMEs) in a package worth up to €1.2 billion. Around€2.7 billion will help cement Europe’s place as a world classdestination for researchers, mainly through individual grants fromthe European Research Council (€1.75 billion), and MarieSklodowska-Curie Actions (€963 million) for research training andmobility.”

Research budget plan EU Commission

For the full press release, click here. For a dynamic overview of the budget,click here.

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