On the Agenda – Week 29, 2013

Nieuws | de redactie
19 juli 2013 | San Jose University puts collaboration with Udacity on hold, does this mean that the MOOC hype is over its top? Also in this week’s ‘on the agenda’, lessons from a young Nelson Mandela.

Take 1 – MOOCs

@MIT: Udacity Founder Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning

@theEconomist: The attack of the MOOCs

@RoujouArnoud: San Jose State U. Puts MOOC Project With Udacity on Hold

Take 2 – Majority World

@Uniworldnews: Long walk before freedom – Lessons from young Mandela

@theobhe: For Brazil, What’s The Right Higher Education Equation?

@BC_CIHE: Malaysian uproar over ‘race bias’ in public university places

Take 3 – Research

@KingsCollegeLon: Eczema may play key role in development of food allergy in infants

@WageningenINT: Energy consumption practices of rural households in north China

@MarsCuriosity: evidence Mars lost its atmosphere 4 billion years ago

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: ESU’s former Chair Karina Ufert looks back on 4 years in ESU. “The emphasis on employability is a trap in which HE institutes stepped”

@ScienceGuideEU: With 3 million mobile students more than today an ‘overhaul’ of Europe’s internationalisation strategy is needed.

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