Komeet in zicht

Nieuws | de redactie
13 november 2013 | De spanning loopt op. Hoe goed kunnen we dezer dagen de komeet ISON zien? Met een verrekijker konden Britse liefhebbers al genieten van de nieuwe gast uit de 'Oort Cloud' die bij ons langs komt.

Space.com meldt; ‘ISON was discovered by two Russian amateur astronomers in September 2012, giving scientists more than a year to prepare for its close solar flyby. Researchers have been tracking the comet with a variety of instruments on the ground and in space, hoping to learn about ISON’s composition by watching which gases boil off its surface at various distances from the sun.’

‘Skywatchers have had a keen interest in ISON as well, for the comet could put on a great show in December if it survives its close pass by the sun later this month. While some researchers have voiced optimism that ISON will hold together, there are certainly no guarantees; it’s tough to predict the behavior of any comet, particular a “dynamically new” one such as ISON that’s making its first trip to the inner solar system from the distant and frigid Oort Cloud.’

Hoe kunt de komeet zelf zien? In deze video wordt u geholpen hoe en wat.

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