On the Agenda – Week 47, 2019
Take 1 –Education
Wat kost het ons dat universiteiten steeds verder opschalen? Protesten in Hong Kong en het Verenigd Koninkrijk en hoe staat het met de diversiteit en gelijkheid op universiteiten in heel Europa?
Questions of scale: universities worldwide are rapidly expanding their student rolls, using their increased scale to invest, compete and insulate themselves against economic uncertainty. But at what cost? asks Ellie Bothwellhttps://t.co/w2RYoELm1o pic.twitter.com/RDy72vY1RL
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) November 22, 2019
“30 years ago, you supported us”: Hong Kong campus sieges strike a chord with Chinese students https://t.co/TEwf1HFt6V
— Quartz (@qz) November 21, 2019
Guardian: “The employers seem to want to test the mettle of staff and see if they will turn up on picket lines,” @DrJoGrady said. “It is really unfortunate they have decided to do that because they are misjudging their staff. #UCUstrike #UCUstrikesback https://t.co/2rqV3gZfjj
— UCU (@ucu) November 21, 2019
Getting access for all to #highereducation is a system-level responsibility; #universities play their part, but reaping the full benefits of #diversity requires common effort – read @euatweets report @BFUGsecretariat @PolicyCULT https://t.co/lsqjmnbLGa pic.twitter.com/pHEo0YAYTu
— Thomas Jørgensen (@Thomas_E_Jorgen) November 21, 2019
Take 2 –Research
Eindelijk een overeenkomst over het budget voor Horizon Europe, maar protesten klinken er al. Hoe de GDPR de medische wetenschap in de weg zit en een rapport waarin honderdend voorbeelden van geweld jegens academici worden vermeld.
European Union policymakers last night agreed to spend €300 million more than originally planned for Horizon 2020’s final year – but spending is likely to fall in 2021 with the launch of its successor, Horizon Europe. https://t.co/o9G9Vk35Nq
— David Parkes (@Parkesdm) November 19, 2019
When EU’s #GPDR protect citizen privacy but disrupts inter-continental, collaborative medical research https://t.co/84Ze0s9ixp@sciencemagazine by @TaniaRabesan w/ @NIHDirector pic.twitter.com/8D9obAsYWq
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) November 21, 2019
A report details hundreds of violent attacks, sackings and imprisonments of academics and students in the past year. https://t.co/artVhJ4edQ
— Nature News & Comment (@NatureNews) November 21, 2019
Leaked document prompts fears of big publisher ‘lock in’ – Elsevier could sell Dutch universities a bundle of journal access rights and software, raising concerns that universities could become stuck in one publisher’s software ecosystem https://t.co/abA2ZM1sa0 pic.twitter.com/c7rf8bPwIN
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) November 20, 2019
Take 3 – Israel
Alles over Israel waar Benjamin Netanyahu wordt vervolgd voor corruptie.
The charges against Netanyahu, explained @MiriamABerger https://t.co/lKcHk1SsGf
— Ishaan Tharoor (@ishaantharoor) November 21, 2019
Over 100 senior scientists in #Israel initiated a petition, lead by a researcher at @TelAvivUni, demanding the gov’t scraps natural gas plans to focus instead on renewable energy sources ????. https://t.co/frEXxVZX0q#GreenEnergy #RenewableEnergy #NaturalGas #Energy #ClimateChange pic.twitter.com/Y8cVhKgx9D
— Science|Business (@scibus) November 22, 2019
Students and teachers were removed from the Dar al-Aytam school in Jerusalem’s Old City in the middle of the school day, Palestinian sources say https://t.co/slyejKwxlO
— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) November 20, 2019
What is the state of #highereducation in #Israel? What are the changes that the country needs to undertake to ensure that Israeli #students are equipped to face the challenges of the 21st century, both in the job market and in life at large?https://t.co/bAQAGZYO04
— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) October 26, 2019