Euro MIT op Finse top een feit?

Nieuws | de redactie
11 oktober 2006 | De Euro-top in Lahti moet de finale zet geven aan de start van het EIT. "Over the past year, we have seen many divergent opinions about the institute getting closer and the answers to difficult questions being worked out. Our consensus is growing," zo stelt EU commissaris Jan Figel. "This institute could become a crucial player in boosting Europe's innovation by getting together those universities and institutes already working with good results in this area.

Naturally, as with all big projects in the past, there are some serious fears among the stakeholders – mainly about the money and other practicalities – such as the institute’s location or which universities will be part of its network.”

Maar zo geeft hij aan, “while the agreement on the details will come along as a result of – say a year and a half – of negotiations among the EU institutions, what we need now is a political will to trigger the whole process. The other option is to drop the idea altogether.” De Duitse commissaris Verheugen onderstreept dat een centralistische opzet uit den boze is en blijft. “I know from the country I know best for instance that it was strongly opposed when the first communication came but now is strongly in favour. I do not expect a very easy ride but it’s achievable.”

Figel zei tegen het EP, dat Brussel €2.4 miljard vrijmaakt tot 2013, opdat in 2009 en 2010 de eerste “knowledge communities” van start kunnen gaan. “Our aim is to achieve a combination of European and national public money, as well as private funds,” said the commissioner, adding “It is clear that it must be a critical mass of funds if the institute is to achieve something.” Verschillende instellingen zouden al vissen naar de vestiging van het afgeslankte kerninstituut voor het EIT. Figel gaf aan dat hij mogelijkheden ziet voor locaties waar “conditions are favourable and where the good academic environment already exists.”

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