China trekt aan ranking-debat
De inhoudelijke thema’s beschrijft hij daarbij als volgt: "Historically, universities have been always paying attention to their academic performance and standings. In recent years, this has become a worldwide phenomenon, referred to as “World-Class Universities”. Consequently, more and more universities set up their goals in such context. A number of national governments are taking special measures to build world-class universities.
The 1st International Conference on World-Class Universities (WCU-1) was initiated and organized in 2005 by the Center for World-Class Universities and the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. About 30 participants, including presidents of world-known universities, representatives of international organizations, scholars on international higher education and experts on scientometrics, had attended WCU-1 and exchanged ideas on the characteristics, ranking and strategic objectives of world-class universities. Selected papers have been published in a book titled “World-Class Universities and Ranking: Aiming Beyond Status”.
Now we are pleased to announce that the 2nd International Conference on World-class Universities (WCU-2) will be held between October 31 and November 3, 2007 at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
Themes of WCU-2
ª Conceptual aspects of world-class universities, including functions, definition and evaluation criteria;
ª National strategies and measures on building world-class universities, both in developed and in developing countries;
ª Institutional strategies and practices for building world-class universities, especially on the internationalization of faculty, students, research, and management;
ª Successful cases of both cooperation and competition among research universities in the age of globalization.”
Wie vanuit Nederland geinteresseerd zijn om deel te nemen aan de discussie en op e conferentie ook eigen onderzoek en papers zouden willen presenteren kunnen het best direct contact op nemen met de medewerkers van prof Liu die het congres voorbereiden: Dr. Gilsun Song en Ms. Yan Wu:;
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