Rapp verslaat Noorda

Nieuws | de redactie
23 oktober 2008 | De presidentsverkiezingen bij de Europese wo-koepel EUA zijn een bittere tegenvaller voor universitair Nederland. VSNU-voorman Sijbolt Noorda is ruim verslagen door zijn Zwitserse opponent Jean Marc Rapp, die bijna 2/3 van de stemmen kreeg. Rapp was de voorzitter van de VSNU van de Alpen, de CRUS. In de bijeenkomst klonk als bezwaar, dat Noorda geen 'rector' meer is, maar primair een nationaal koepelbelang dient.

Informeel werd aan ScienceGuide gemeld, dat de landen in Zuid-Europa en de ‘francophonie’ een duidelijke voorkeur hadden voor de kandidaat uit Lausanne. De Nederlandse benadering van het HO en HO-beleid is hen toch wat vreemd.

Jean-Marc Rapp was Rector of the University of Lausanne from 1999 to 1 September 2006 and President of the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS) from 2001 to 2006. He has been an EUA board member since 2005 and EUA Vice-President as of September 2007.

He received a doctorate in law in 1983 at the University of Lausanne and a LL.M. from University of California at Berkeley (USA) in 1985. He has worked as a lawyer in Lausanne and San Francisco as well as having been a Substitute Judge at the Vaud Supreme Court (1986-1998).

Professor of Commercial and Contract Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Lausanne since 1989 (Dean of Faculty from 1996 to 1998). Before his appointment as Rector, he spent six months as an expert at the European Commission, DG XV, C5 (Financial Information and Company Law). During his term as Rector of the University of Lausanne, Jean-Marc Rapp has greatly contributed to implementing the programme of cooperation and the new strategic trends of the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva and of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne.

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