Hoe effectief werken uinversiteiten samen met bedrijven?

Nieuws | de redactie
29 januari 2009 | The 2008 scoreboard van CWTS 'presents a list of the world’s top 350 research universities, according to their research publication output in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database in 2002-2006.'

Their performance with regards to university-industry research cooperation is measured in terms of jointly authored WoS-indexed research articles with private sector research partners. The author affiliate addresses in these articles enabled us to assign these articles to these universities and to identify those partners.

The scoreboard categorizes the 350 universities by the continent in which are located (Europe, Asia, etc.). The universities are listed in descending order within each broad research area (see below)  according to their total UIC intensity , the percent of research articles within their total publication output that was identified as University-Industry Co- publications. A UIC is defined as a research publication with author addresses that include affiliations referring to at least one university and one private sector organization.

Each university’s UIC-intensities are also broken down into five broad research areas of industrial relevance: Medical and health sciences, Basic life sciences, Physics and materials science, Chemistry and chemical engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Our accompanying research paper  describes the scoreboard’s conceptual and analytical framework as well as various statistical analyses and rankings of UIC performance. More information

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