On the agenda – Week 37, 2012

Nieuws | de redactie
14 september 2012 | How can solar energy stabilise the power grid, and the release of Google’s Open Source online education software. Furthermore, in this week’s “On the agenda”: how students and investors profit from the growth of Brazil’s private universities and China’s struggeling graduates.

What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in social media.

Take 1 – R&D

@maxplanckpress: Solar & wind energy maystabilise the power grid

@UniofOxford:First single gene cause of insulin sensitivity identified, offeringinsight into diabetes

@MITnews: Asurprisingly simple, but effective, way to separate oil and water 

Take 2 – Open  Access

@GlobalHigherEd:Google Releases Open-Source Online-Education Software 

?@Stanford:Stanford launches Class2Go: open-source platform for online classesthat allows professors to meld research & teaching

@scholarlykitchn:Are Open Access Initiatives “Catastrophic” forCommercial Publishers? 

Take 3 – BRICS

@gsvedu:Students and investors are profiting from the growth ofprivate universities in Brazil 

@uniworldnews:South Africa: government to draft a higher educationinternationalisation policy 

@thaitynews:For China’s struggling graduates, highereducation means higher  unemployment


…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU:  New EU expertgroup will deal with ‘Teaching excellence’ and ‘Learning in thedigital age’

@ScienceGuideEU: European particlescience post-Higgs: a new long-term European strategy

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