On the Agenda – Week 03, 2014

Nieuws | de redactie
24 januari 2014 | Is the Silicon Valley Narrative taking over the development of Open Education? Also in this week’s 'on the agenda': What do pupils across Europe learn about the First World War?

Take 1 – MOOC discussion

@Mweller: MOOCs and the Dangerous Appeal of the Silicon Valley Narrative

@cshirky: Your Massively Open Offline College Is Broken

@Dkernohan: A semantic analysis of popular MOOC-articles

Take 2 – Education

@TeachDevTrust: Ensuring tough new teachers thrive

@MartinMcKee: Look no further for insanity of English education policy. Proposal to remove lab work from science teaching!

@BartFunnekotter: Teaching the First World War: what do Europe’s pupils learn about the conflict?

Take 3 – R&D

@went1955: Who said R&D is essential for innovation? Interesting chart Nokia vs Apple

@mdevelin: Is Facebook doomed, or Princeton?

@noahWG: Stephen Hawking wants us to rethink black holes & the concept of “event horizon” so I guess we should 

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: New Zealand wants to appoint change-principals to improve poorly performing schools, Andreas Schleicher agrees

@ScienceGuideEU: Davos goes MOOC. The World Economic Forum and edX launch an online learning platform to boost leadership development

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