On the Agenda – Week 7, 2015
Take 1 – Education
In the high-stakes world of American education, Pearson makes money even when its results don’t measure up. http://t.co/WcWAe8863T
— POLITICO (@politico) February 11, 2015
Google and Instagram, the new #MOOC accreditors: http://t.co/AhOZI5H51b
— Chronicle (@chronicle) February 11, 2015
Where are American students thinking about studying abroad? Google search results mapped below http://t.co/S2GzfrPp18 pic.twitter.com/5LG5acuGRE
— GlobalHigherEd (@GlobalHigherEd) February 11, 2015
New @UniversitiesUK report today calls for reforms to higher ed. regulation in England. See: http://t.co/oR3EZKNCqQ pic.twitter.com/F1ZLdeAl6Y
— Universities UK (@UniversitiesUK) February 12, 2015
Take 2 –Research
Social media: a network boost. How scientists can use Twitter to expand their social contacts and find jobs. http://t.co/p8srVv7syU
— naturejobs (@naturejobs) February 11, 2015
The gene that drives beak shape in iconic Darwin finches has been found http://t.co/LVVScq2LAK #DarwinDay pic.twitter.com/QSYVwMpUO0
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) February 12, 2015
Bra watch! – GPS tracking your old clothes across the globe & other revelations @bbcnews http://t.co/89dgyqsDOl pic.twitter.com/H20RayDG60
— King’s CollegeLondon (@KingsCollegeLon) February 12, 2015
Astronomers observe birth of quadruple star babies in stellar nursery: http://t.co/t2hrmQBjSi @maxplanckpress via @ETH_en @EurekAlertAAAS
— Max Planck Society (@maxplanckpress) February 12, 2015
Take 3 – Brazil
Brazil: Higher ed companies lobbying the government to rescind new rules on financial aid: http://t.co/aPWTl6K4E6 via @timeshighered #FIES
— Study Group (@Study_Group) February 12, 2015
Bloomberg View on Dilma’s perfect storm: Rousseff is #Brazil‘s crisis => @BV http://t.co/q9uz2q4fxS @macmargolis
— Todd Benson (@TBensonBrazil) February 11, 2015
New research shows that climate change mitigation efforts in Brazil’s steel industry have failed http://t.co/8zf1FCa2lx
— LatinAmericanScience (@LatAmSci) February 11, 2015
OECD Education Working Paper: Student Behaviour and Use of Class Time in Brazil, Chile and Mexico http://t.co/xVJZZTADMD
— GiftedPhoenix (@GiftedPhoenix) February 13, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
“Kafka, Quixote and Macondo.” @AnneGlover_EU about her difficult, but rewarding time as Chief Scientific Adviser http://t.co/4uUZuHUG3x
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) February 11, 2015
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Schade door aangekondigde langstudeerboete doet zich nu al voor”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”