On the Agenda – Week 17, 2015
Take 1 –Education
A new curriculum teaches students how to more effectively engage with technology http://t.co/YSTeA3hv8W pic.twitter.com/IrLbazWJrY
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) April 22, 2015
University of California’s online education flop http://t.co/upFPDXJ3CT
— Dirk Van Damme (@VanDammeEDU) April 22, 2015
The global #talent pool has taken on a dramatically different look, by @VanDammeEDU http://t.co/I2d59FN0Ha #OECDEAG pic.twitter.com/SVSKKolxUX
— OECD Education (@OECD_Edu) April 23, 2015
Culture, cost and proximity draw Chinese students to Japan http://t.co/eHRHdTYVi5 via @JapanTimes #China #StudyAbroad #InternationalStudents
— The OBHE (@theobhe) April 22, 2015
Take 2 –Research
Cambridge v-c warns #Brexit would isolate UK researchers: http://t.co/REaFHM8pyR
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) April 23, 2015
Germany’s ruling political parties agree to plough €5 billion more into science from 2018-2028 http://t.co/Fv6WjO2zgx pic.twitter.com/HtNHDbRV42
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) April 20, 2015
Competition rather than collaboration is the dominant force shaping patterns in SA #health #research http://t.co/sNF4IeNhcL
— Research Africa (@ResearchAfrica) April 23, 2015
In Atomic Labs Across U.S., a Race to Stop Iran http://t.co/wCwB5BcVnK
— NYT Science (@NYTScience) April 22, 2015
Take 3 –Hannover Messe
Report from Hannover Messe: Challenges to Industry 4.0 http://t.co/j0TlA65X8Z @MfgExecutive | #HM15 #Industry40 #IoT #IIoT #CyberSecurity
— Colin Masson (@colinmasson) April 22, 2015
Das war die #hm15: Ein kleiner Rückblick auf das Technologieevent des Jahres: http://t.co/q6WFD6EllA
— VDI News (@VDI_News) April 22, 2015
sandesh: The key factors to reduce the costs of #Wind #Power – now on #TheEnergyBlog http://t.co/kP74sjGYXF #hm15 pic.twitter.com/MwIA2hF2K9
— energywindow (@energy_window) April 22, 2015
#Zapfenstreich bei der HANNOVER MESSE 2015! Wir freuen uns auf die #HM16 vom 25.-29. April 2016! pic.twitter.com/REpMK0GYiD
— HANNOVER MESSE (@hannover_messe) April 17, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
Horizon 2020 wants gender balance in research groups. Anka Mulder (@tudelft) about the struggle to reach that goal http://t.co/vm5xOhFWK9
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) April 22, 2015
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Schade door aangekondigde langstudeerboete doet zich nu al voor”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”