On the Agenda – Week 16, 2016
Take 1 –Education
China in Africa: empire-builders or alliance-makers? https://t.co/m9nlguMhiq pic.twitter.com/EfAeSWECP6
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) April 21, 2016
Why lowering interest rates won’t fix the student-debt problem: https://t.co/VVxFBc2KjN pic.twitter.com/7DnowR4sIH
— TheAtlanticEducation (@TheAtlEducation) April 15, 2016
“Not for the sake of grades, but the joy of learning”
— EducationState (@educationstate) April 19, 2016
Going beyond grades: Evolving the Singapore education systemhttps://t.co/UZ4o3qQprN
We need to #create & #inspire the #nextgeneration of #engineers, #scientists & #mathematicians https://t.co/L4Iizp4DM5 #STEM
— STEM Education (@stemeducation) April 21, 2016
Take 2 –Research
Researchers, universities, public institutions should “publish what they pay and rethink what they are investing in” https://t.co/e0secOe8ll
— Creative Commons (@creativecommons) April 18, 2016
Here’s What The EU Does For British Science https://t.co/9TvfR9G9JY
— Alberto Nardelli (@AlbertoNardelli) April 20, 2016
How to survive as a whistle-blower https://t.co/UIEa8ba7LL pic.twitter.com/7zCv8AC8Ae
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) April 21, 2016
Mathematical matchmaker Michael Atiyah dreams of a quantum union https://t.co/7cyG7cNAez pic.twitter.com/k83jK6og8t
— WIRED (@WIRED) April 19, 2016
Take 3 –USA Partner Country Hannover Messe
USA’s huge presence at HANNOVER MESSE’s Research & Technology hall https://t.co/CAHD1wdYbG pic.twitter.com/m46v6fgPZZ
— TMD Magazine (@TMDmag) April 20, 2016
Hannover Messe is set to take place in two weeks. During the four day long event, the EU will unveil their new… https://t.co/zaGIFxTUnp
— ACGUSA (@ACG_USA) April 12, 2016
Obama will meet with the leaders of the U.K., Germany, France and Italy Monday https://t.co/XkDhp3iAcf pic.twitter.com/YXzJPlnwsH
— Bloomberg (@business) April 21, 2016
Merkel und Obama wollen in #Hannover für #TTIP werben – aber jeder dritte Deutsche lehnt das Freihandelsabkommen ab. https://t.co/5Kmsbel5GY
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
The European Commission wants to invest €1 billion in the development of quantum technology https://t.co/f51G0955IJ
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) April 20, 2016
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CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap
Nederlands hoger onderwijs “negatieve uitschieter” op kansengelijkheid, toont OESO-rapport