On the Agenda – Week 36, 2017
Take 1 – Education
Europe’s investment in education keeps dropping https://t.co/IETk9SLqcs via @EUractiv #EUpol pic.twitter.com/Lt3JHHtr2K
— EUwatch ???? (@EUwatchers) 7 september 2017
Minister’s threat of fines ‘not enough’ to curb university salaries https://t.co/IFYUZN2ZuG
— Society Guardian (@SocietyGuardian) 7 september 2017
“Rankings measure research production and funding, but not the ethics of the knowledge production.” @MichelleLStack https://t.co/oyQ7YkWiEW
— Retraction Watch (@RetractionWatch) 7 september 2017
Hong Kong and mainland students openly confront each other over pro-independence posters https://t.co/Vy4lN6h66u
— SCMP News (@SCMP_News) 8 september 2017
Take 2 – Research
An academic publisher is trying to kill Sci-Hub, the “Pirate Bay of science” https://t.co/tNdU8R2q4N
— Quartz (@qz) 7 september 2017
Publishers, funders & research institutions must get together to stop research from ending up in predatory journals: https://t.co/M6qNS30JiO pic.twitter.com/hqfLF7TV2x
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) 8 september 2017
China publishes more science research with fabricated peer-review than everyone else put together https://t.co/Arw4dtgh3Y
— Research Medics (@ResearchMedics) 4 september 2017
If Harvey was a perfect storm, Irma is an almost impossible one. @jetjocko reports https://t.co/yvACYSDDsp
— WIRED Science (@WIREDScience) 7 september 2017
Take 3 – Germany
Why Angela Merkel deserves to win Germany’s election – and why she must be bolder in her fourth term. https://t.co/YQlGNayV28
— Jeremy Cliffe (@JeremyCliffe) 7 september 2017
Politicians try to balance decentralization and consistency, and Germany’s school system is stuck in the middle
— Handelsblatt Global (@HandelsblattGE) 7 september 2017
World’s biggest and powerful X-ray laser gun #XFEL unveilded in Hamburg, Germany! Here’s what you should know: https://t.co/axz04AtQtz pic.twitter.com/lY5kZyDp5e
— ECSEL JU (@ECSEL_JU) 6 september 2017
A history professor’s reflections as she prepares to teach students about Hitler’s Germany. https://t.co/pdd2N1eh1R pic.twitter.com/JlndbKig5Y
— The Baltimore Sun (@baltimoresun) 3 september 2017
And this week on ScienceGuideEU…
What do universities pay for publishing an article under the new ‘gold deal’? #openaccess https://t.co/p6TTJVXgRg pic.twitter.com/lZ0ZodpM8p
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) 6 september 2017
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap
Nederlands hoger onderwijs “negatieve uitschieter” op kansengelijkheid, toont OESO-rapport