Einde HRM in zicht?

Nieuws | de redactie
9 juni 2010 | Economische ontwikkelingen zetten het traditionele personeelsbeleid onder druk. Frank Lekanne Deprez (HSZuyd) en anderen signaleren een verschuiving van HRM naar nieuwe manieren om medewerkers te managen. Verschillen tussen jongere en oudere kenniswerkers blijken een toenemende rol van betekenis te spelen.

De bevindingen van hun onderzoek hebben ze gepubliceerd inThe International Journal of Human Resource Management. Desamenvatting van het artikel leest u hieronder.

As a consequence of continual change pressures on everydayorganizations a gradual but noticeable shift is taking place in theway managers and employees view the employment relationship.Expectation patterns between both parties are starting to divergeinto what seems to be new forms of managing people, based ondifferent assumptions regarding their importance in the (knowledgebased) economy.

Traditional differences in employment expectations betweensuperiors and their subordinates, between higher and lessereducated and between intrinsically and extrinsically motivatedemployees, are currently making place for differences betweenyounger and older knowledge workers and for diversity andprofessionalism.

In this article, HRM is contrasted against two emerging approachestowards the management of people, which are currently subsets ofHRM, but gaining momentum as potential replacements for HRM.Firstly we identify ‘Transaction-based Management of People (TM)’in which the employment relationship mirrors that of a financiallydriven exchange relationship, similar to transactioneconomics.
We refer to the second approach as ‘Professional-based Managementof People (PM)’ in which the nature of the employment relationshipreflects the recognition of people in organizations as ‘true’professionals who know best what constitutes superior businessperformance. These approaches have been empirically examined bymeans of a representative survey amongst Dutch directors andmanagers.

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