On the agenda – Week 43, 2011

Nieuws | de redactie
24 oktober 2011 | How much competition is good for HE? In Australia doubts are raised about a liberal market approach. Furthermore, this week’s “On the agenda” shows that Chinese students reach record numbers worldwide and education hubs fostering cross-border excellence.

What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you aselection of the most important topics and items trending in socialmedia.

Take 1 – Internationalization

@Megan Brenn-White: Students from China toreach record numbers this year, with highest enrollments at US andUK universities http://ow.ly/76Smb

@British Council: De Wit explains theinternationalisation of HE and the inclination to apply broad-basedlabels on it http://goo.gl/fx2Xh

@JørgenHeramb: Last of the free: will Norway’s universal no-fee policyendure? http://bit.ly/pV7W4j

Take 2 – Policy

@Organization for Borderless Higher Education:Three types of education hubs http://bit.ly/ooQzsY by Dr Jane Knight

@Richard Yelland: Quality and assessment inhigher ed becoming more global – Madeleine Green writes in ‘Change’http://bit.ly/oUR91U

@WISE: “Teachers are the biggest influencers.”Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister of the UK http://bit.ly/qk3B1S

Take 3 – Finance

@Francois Therin: What does La Trobe’s budgetcrisis tell us about marketisation of education? http://bit.ly/qqtz3x

@Harvard Business Review: What business shoulddo about ‘Occupy Wall Street’ http://s.hbr.org/nUyQCu

@Lloyd Armstrong: Who should pay for highereducation? The view from Chile and Colombia http://bit.ly/orwZS2

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