HKU-lector curator in China
Geen onbekende in Azië
De triënnale zal namlijk op verschillende locaties in de stad Guangzhou plaatsvinden: o.a. in het Guangdong Museum of Art, de Grandview Mall en het Guangzhou Opera House. Voor Henk Slager is dit de derde biënnale in Azië. Eerder was hij als curator betrokken bij de Shanghai Biënnale (2008) en de Tbilisi Triënnale (2012). Daarnaast werkte hij o.a. aan projecten voor Manifesta (2010), Georgisch Paviljoen Venetië (2011), Documenta (2012), Istanbul Biënnale (2013) en Taipei Biënnale (2014).
De triënnale zal in 2016 tot en met 10 april lopen. De eerste Guangzhou Triënnale vond plaats in 2002. Gerenommeerde cuatoren zoals Hou Hanru, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Sarat Maharaj, Gao Shiming en Johnson Chang hebben aan eerdere edities van deze triënnale hun naam vebonden. Het nieuwe team curatoren verwacht in maart 2015 een eerste schets van hun concept te kunnen presenteren.
Moderne kunst en onderzoek
Het museum is een belangrijk kenniscentrum voor moderne kunst in China. ‘It consists of twelve indoor exhibition halls with an area of 8,000 square meters as well as an outdoor Sculpture Garden that is 5,000 square meters in size. Regular exhibition halls mainly present modern coastal artworks, Guangdong contemporary artworks and also artworks from overseas Chinese, including sculptures, paintings and ceramic craft.’
‘Each year, the museum hosts various theme exhibitions, invitation exhibitions and application exhibitions. There is a modern multi-purpose academy hall with 300 seats and simultaneous interpretation service, an excellent platform for international academic communication and video watching. Besides, a large education and training area has been set aside, together with integrated service devices.’
‘The collections of GDMOA are mainly modern Chinese artworks and that from overseas Chinese artists, with an emphasis on modern Chinese coastal artworks and contemporary Guangdong artworks. They include paintings, sculptures and ceramic crafts. Various historic art creations, books and documents are also preserved.‘
‘The primary task of GDMOA is academic research, which is also the prerequisite to its other tasks like collections, exhibitions and education. On the other hand, the research work is based on the museum’s collections of modern artworks, with an emphasis on China’s history of modern art as well as the academic research on the functions and operations of art gallery.’
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