On the Agenda – Week 23, 2015
Take 1 –Education
Chile’s President Bachelet unleashes a storm announcing free tuition for poorest 60% of students http://t.co/L8uAL2uZgl #highered
— UniversityWorldNews (@uniworldnews) June 2, 2015
PISA’s worldwide education rankings are dogged by sloppy, duplicated answers http://t.co/I5wqSNfOTD via @ArsTechnica #Education #PISA
— The OBHE (@theobhe) June 4, 2015
How did this Chicago charter school achieve the best college-enrollment figures in the city? http://t.co/49EYrsSuL0 pic.twitter.com/cf5EoJGLbV
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) June 4, 2015
Students who get limited contact time with university staff are less likely to enjoy the student experience http://t.co/HUPtXrtMVS #highered
— Higher Education (@GdnHigherEd) June 4, 2015
Take 2 –Research
How a grad student uncovered a huge scientific fraud in gay-marriage data: http://t.co/BUWmWNHXNM pic.twitter.com/tXsYkqlilw
— Slate (@Slate) June 3, 2015
What does Nigeria’s new leadership under @MBuhari mean for science? http://t.co/C77S5iAfuM pic.twitter.com/K82wn1cMPl
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) June 2, 2015
What social science can learn from the LaCour scandal: http://t.co/RwaRhTDkqt
— Chronicle (@chronicle) June 3, 2015
Chimpanzees have the cognitive ability to cook. What’s your excuse? http://t.co/f6odQAEPST pic.twitter.com/g1BY01P00L
— NYT Science (@NYTScience) June 3, 2015
Take 3 –OECD
Unlock #investment for sustainable growth & #jobs, says #NL PM Rutte; read more http://t.co/zsSfTu7w6G #OECDwk pic.twitter.com/cG208S2UHY
— OECD (@OECD) June 3, 2015
OECD warns lack of investment could prompt new global slowdown — The Guardian — http://t.co/H9yGkK9zZv pic.twitter.com/emFdcPRxli
— Robert Went (@went1955) June 3, 2015
The #gender wage gap is starting to increase again because of slow economic growth http://t.co/e3yD38PgFd #OECDwk pic.twitter.com/YVZipeeZw8
— OECD (@OECD) June 3, 2015
The world economy continues to heal slowly, but a new forecast says growth should pick up by the end of 2016 http://t.co/DQaEHBCOzO
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 3, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
New UK minister for universities and science, Jo Johnson, gives insight in plans to forster internationalization http://t.co/bkedQZc0aN
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) June 2, 2015
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