On the Agenda – Week 45, 2015
Take 1 –Education
The 5 scariest bits of the new #HEgreenpaper https://t.co/BI0VzTTdl3 pic.twitter.com/BJ41kbBvVz
— Indy Students (@IndyStudents) November 6, 2015
The White House is set to announce a narrow set of new requirements for the nation’s higher-education accreditors: https://t.co/KsjeEOf9tH
— Chronicle (@chronicle) November 6, 2015
Black & ethnic minorities have mountains to climb in UK #highered. In-depth analysis: https://t.co/QPNdz4CXe7 pic.twitter.com/TpiGFDv47q
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) November 5, 2015
MOOC watch: Open2Study reaches one million students https://t.co/wzFdgZfsou via @FinancialReview #Australia #MOOCs #HigherEd #DistanceHE
— The OBHE (@theobhe) November 5, 2015
Take 2 –Research
Leading Chinese university dismisses researcher accused of breaking collaboration agreement https://t.co/jgGXregT5H pic.twitter.com/qbQGtTwFlS
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) November 6, 2015
Is Obama’s USDA silencing scientists? https://t.co/uoP1cNdyoo pic.twitter.com/qOYc9fbF3w
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) November 3, 2015
Toyota’s $1 billion AI company will develop self-driving cars and robot helpers https://t.co/cj6CJjw8so pic.twitter.com/h1WirT4oBB
— The Verge (@verge) November 6, 2015
Europe’s other crisis? A digital recession https://t.co/APM7l9NxlO pic.twitter.com/12QhSCkKzI
— Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz) October 29, 2015
Take 3 –Canada
Why Canada now has two science ministers https://t.co/hkW1sJzL5f #ottnews #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/i4BRTj5seB
— Ottawa Citizen (@OttawaCitizen) November 6, 2015
Half of Justin Trudeau’s cabinet ministers are women. When a reporter asked him why, he said, “Because it’s 2015.” https://t.co/QSjLdoy9Qm
— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 4, 2015
‘You’re in big trouble if you don’t have a post-secondary degree in Toronto.’ #onted https://t.co/8uiBPcIF1g pic.twitter.com/3bm3DFpZKY
— TorontoStar (@TorontoStar) November 3, 2015
How big data is helping startups and cities fight gridlock together feat. our EVP Ventures @salimteja https://t.co/tdh0xRe4CT via @cdnbiz
— MaRS (@MaRSDD) November 5, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
Older universities still perform better, but newer ones are finding ways to challenge them, @UMultirank shows https://t.co/iuVdzjYf4f
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) November 5, 2015
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap