On the Agenda – Week 6, 2018
Take 1 –Education
Teaching techniques at universities, which pride themselves on spewing out creative ideas that disrupt the rest of society, have evolved at a glacial pace since the dawn of the Internet age. Why? asks @krogoff https://t.co/hpCj43b3O1
— Project Syndicate (@ProSyn) 5 februari 2018
This year is set to be a tumultuous one for universities, with a new regulator, Brexit and changes to student finance. How are universities shoring up?https://t.co/Rq9ouASfmH
— Higher Education (@GdnHigherEd) 5 februari 2018
Ethiopia’s remarkable education statistics mask system in crisis https://t.co/cSA4HA6vxR via @qzafrica “Few governments in Africa spend as much on education as Ethiopia.” But “Protests across much of Ethiopia since 2014 were led by students with few prospects” says @alulapan
— Thrive (@thrive_scotland) 9 februari 2018
Mutual degree recognition across Asia-Pacific comes into force @timeshighered #internationalisation https://t.co/UYOsbnIBzV pic.twitter.com/rknfVxcABg
— ESU (@ESUtwt) 8 februari 2018
Take 2 –Research
My piece in Nature on the next steps for a reinvigorated DORA: time to change how we judge research https://t.co/lXRyybwAtx
— Stephen Curry (@Stephen_Curry) 7 februari 2018
The process matters, not the product:
The future for academic publishers lies in navigating research, not distributing it https://t.co/o0LypsKUIt
— jc burgelman (@BurgelmanJean) 6 februari 2018
“Although sales of academic books are in decline, if you look at download figures they have proved there is a very large readership for this material” https://t.co/eGrOezyE7d
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) 3 februari 2018
Science-informed leadership is coming https://t.co/uGAOmvLIZA
— Science Debate (@SciDebate) 3 februari 2018
Take 3 –China
China loves Trump. @bfcarlson explores why: https://t.co/74PCKPdB4Y pic.twitter.com/2Yf1wLweSK
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) 9 februari 2018
Chinese people are the most optimistic about the impact of AI on jobs. Here’s what the rest of the world thinks https://t.co/bmdYOPUkx0
— AI News (@GoogleAlerts1) 7 februari 2018
Is student life challenging for Chinese students who study overseas? https://t.co/0iR7SA44GS @CarlMinzner @ericfish85
— Oxford Politics (@OUPPolitics) 7 februari 2018
— Eric Shepherd (@erictshepherd) 7 februari 2018
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap