Bouwen aan internationale competenties in een post-corona curriculum: de docent als gamechanger

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Ankie Hoefnagels :
Lector Internationale Competentie, Zuyd Hogeschool

Joris Boonen :
Senior onderzoeker Lectoraat International Relationship Management, Zuyd Hogeschool

Hilde Hanegreefs :
Senior onderzoeker Lectoraat International Relationship Management, Zuyd Hogeschool

Martine Prins :
Projectleider internationalisering International Business & Communication, Zuyd Hogeschool
Internationale Competenties: een model over de leeropbrengsten van internationalisering.
Messelink, A. (2019). Internationale Competenties: een model over de leeropbrengsten van internationalisering. Geraadpleegd via:
Profile, Programme Learning Outcomes and Process Background of the Bachelor of Business Administration Programme International Business.
Sijben, G., Stoelinga, B., Molenaar, A. & Ubachs, M. (2018). Profile, Programme Learning Outcomes and Process Background of the Bachelor of Business Administration Programme International Business. Vereniging van Hogescholen, Nederland.
The Impact of an International University Environment on Students’ Intercultural Competence Development.
a.o. Gregersen-Hermans, J. 2016. The Impact of an International University Environment on Students’ Intercultural Competence Development. Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,Milan. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27036.28800
Intercultural group work in higher education: Costs and benefits from an expectancy-value theory perspective.
Poort, I., Jansen, E., & Hofman, A. (2019). Intercultural group work in higher education: Costs and benefits from an expectancy-value theory perspective. International Journal of Educational Research, 93, 218-231.
IBO Internationalisering van het (hoger) onderwijs.
Ministerie van Financiën (2019), IBO Internationalisering van het (hoger) onderwijs. Geraadpleegd van
Redefining Internationalisation at home.
Beelen, J. & Jones, E. (2015). Redefining Internationalisation at home. In Curaj, A., Matei, L., Pricopie, R., Salmi, J. & Scott, P. (eds). The European Higher Education Area. Between critical reflections and future policies. Springer. p. 65
Internationalisation strategies and the development of competent teaching staff.
Van der Werf, E. (2012). Internationalisation strategies and the development of competent teaching staff. In Internationalisation revisited: new dimension in the internationalisation of higher education (pp. 99-105). CAREM: Centre for Applied Research on Economics and Management.
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