Reputatie, ranking, remuneratie
Hun onderzoek kent de volgende samenvatting:
‘We develop a theory of the market for individual reputation, anindicator of regard by one’s peers and others. The centralquestions are: 1) Does the quantity of exposures raise reputationindependent of their quality? and 2) Assuming that overall qualitymatters for reputation, does the quality of an individual’s mostimportant exposure have an extra effect on reputation?
Using evidence for academic economists, we find that, conditionalon its impact, the quantity of output has no or even a negativeeffect on each of a number of proxies for reputation, and verylittle evidence that a scholar’s most influential work provides anyextra enhancement of reputation. Quality ranking matters more thanabsolute quality.
Data on mobility and salaries show, on the contrary, substantialpositive effects of quantity, independent of quality. We testvarious explanations for the differences between the determinantsof reputation and salary.’
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