Obama saneert bètatech

Nieuws | de redactie
12 april 2013 | De impulsen voor bèta-technische studies worden in de USA afgeremd door een overdadige bureaucratie van programma’s. Drie miljard dollar gaat via 13 overheidsorganen met 220 verschillende actieplannen rond. Obama grijpt in en maakt zo veel geld vrij voor concrete actie in scholen.

Minister Duncan van Onderwijs meldt in zijn begrotingsvoorstel voor 2014 op welke wijze hij het ‘STEM’ (science, technology, engineering, math) beleid gaat herschikken. Hij gebruikt voor deze sanering de fraaie terminologie ‘consolidating or restructuring’ van 114 programma’s bij 11 agentschappen. Zo kan hij 180 miljoen dollar vrijspelen die veel gerichter naar succesvolle initiatieven kan worden geleid.


“To facilitate a cohesive national strategy, the Administration is proposing a comprehensive reorganization of STEM education programs to increase the impact of Federal investments in four areas: K-12 instruction, undergraduate education, graduate fellowships, and education activities that typically take place outside the classroom. The reorganization involves consolidating or restructuring 114 STEM education programs across 11 agencies and improving the delivery, impact, and visibility of STEM efforts.

Nearly $180 million will be redirected from consolidated programs to the Department of Education, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Smithsonian Institution to implement initiatives in the four core reform areas. NSF will focus on improving the delivery of undergraduate STEM education and reforming graduate fellowships. The Smithsonian Institution will improve the reach of federally supported informal education activities, and help align those activities with State standards so that they are relevant to what students are learning in the classroom.”


De acties die met de extra middelen in gang gezet kunnen worden, werken langs beleidslijnen die internationaal als effectief zijn geanalyseerd en die in ons land al veel langer via het PBT usance zijn geworden. Zo komt Duncan met ‘STEM Innovation Networks’ voor een bedrag van $150 mln.

“This program will provide competitive grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) in partnership with institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, other public agencies, and businesses to increase the number of students who are effectively prepared for postsecondary education and careers in STEM fields. Eligible partnerships will develop comprehensive plans for identifying, developing, testing and implementing evidence-based practices to provide rich STEM learning opportunities for students in participating LEAs and schools.

To support the implementation of these plans, STEM Innovation Networks (STEM-INs)will employ of wide range of strategies—depending on local needs— in areas such as the recruitment, preparation, and professional development of effective STEM educators; the development and testing of teaching and learning models that enable students to successfully meet STEMfocused college- and career-ready standards; and student engagement in STEM subjects.”

Extra impact voor docenten

Ook komt er een STEM Virtual Learning Network. Dit moet “create a professional learning community of STEM educators. This community, operating primarily but not exclusively online, will enable STEM educators to share innovative STEM content, effective STEM teaching strategies, and research on STEM education.”

Obama’s plan voor een groot lerarencorps van excellente bèta-tech docenten wordt evenenens in de grondverf gezet met een startbedrag van $35 mln). “In July 2012, the President proposed creating a national STEM Master Teacher Corpsthat would enlistAmerica’s best and brightest science and math teachers to improve STEM education.”

“The Corps would recognize and reward the most accomplished STEM educators by offering them membership in a national community of talented STEM educators, opportunities to serve as instructional leaders in their schools and communities, and additional pay in exchange for their leadership and service. The President’s budget request includes $35 million to pilot the STEM Master Teacher Corps before it is taken to scale.”

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