On the Agenda – Week 24, 2013

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14 juni 2013 | The EU opens up vast amounts of public data and moves to a more open culture. In 2020, a quarter of the European citizens will be over 60 years, this creates enormous societal challenges says Máire Geoghegan-Quinn. Also in this week’s ‘on the agenda’, literacy and not income is the key to improve public health in India.

Take 1 – Open Data

@NeelieKroesEU: Great news – EU Parliament today voted to unlock public Open Data. Why that matters 

@jkonga: Five Open Data Challenges

@CraigHammer: Open Data Latino America: the crucial role of media & civil society in opening data across Latin America

Take 2 – Healthy Ageing

@ECSpokesScience: Máire GeogheganQuinn’s Speech on Healthy Ageing Summit in Dublin

@AHA_2013: Excellent debate last night on the population ageing issue

@AnneTergesen: Martha Stewart to boomers: ‘Don’t retire’

Take 3 –Research

@Lectoraat_GGZ: Dad’s Life Stress Exposure Can Affect Offspring Brain Development

@HarvardResearch: Twenty-six black hole candidates have been identified in Andromeda galaxy

@Cambridge_uni: New research finds that literacy, not income, is the key to improving public health in India

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: The EU and the Gates Foundation start partnership on the R&D of life-saving medicines for poverty-related diseases. 

@ScienceGuideEU: Greenpeace director Kumi Naidoo explains how NGOs maximize impact of their research. Will Open Data soon contribute?

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