Iran verklaart ontslag Ramadan
Defenders of human rights?
In het eigen nieuwsblog schrijft de redactie van Press TVhierover het volgende:
‘The British government is stepping up pressure against Iran’sPress TV in a bid to cover up the true nature of its regionalpolicies, which has been reflected by the English-language newschannel, Iranian analysts say.
London has been pressuring prominent British figures to resign fromtheir posts at the channel. When some of these individuals — suchas George Galloway, Yvonne Ridley and Tariq Ramadan — refused toend their cooperation with Press TV they were denied their basicsocial rights.
While European countries claim to be the defenders of human rightsand democracy, the City of Rotterdam and Erasmus Universitydismissed Ramadan because of his program on Press TV.
Certain British media outlets have recently launched a propagandacampaign against Press TV claiming that many of the channel’semployees have quit their jobs over the network’s policies. This iswhile these media outlets have so far failed to provide the name ofeven one of the former employees to support theirallegations.
Iranian analysts believe the British government is imposingrestrictions on Press TV in retaliation to Tehran’s decision tolimit the activities of BBC Persian in Iran and the expulsion oftwo British diplomats over their involvement in the country’spost-election unrest.
Reports suggest that the UK has been exerting pressure on Ofcom(the Office of Communications) to enforce a ban on Press TV. Ofcom,however, does not appear to have convincing reasons tocomply.
Analysts believe that the reason for the UK government’s attemptsto boycott the Iranian news channel is a number of Press TV reportsand programs, which have exposed Britain’s inability to answer tothe public about the issues pertaining to the war inAfghanistan.
While Britain says its forces are in Afghanistan to fightterrorism, London has proposed holding talks with Talibanterrorists.
Despite claiming to be defending British national interests inAfghanistan, the UK government has forced taxpayers to shoulder theheavy costs of war since it began in 2001.
Moreover, the eight-year war has not only been able to eliminateterrorist leaders but has made them stronger.
Analysts believe these issues along with Press TV’s role inuncovering the British government’s constant betrayal of publictrust has led to London’s increasing animosity toward the Iraniannews channel.’
Tweeledige eis
Tegen Vrij Nederland meldt professor Ramadan dat hij nu naar derechter gaan om eerherstel te krijgen: “Mijn eis istweeledig.
1. Een verontschuldiging. Door mijn ontslag en door te suggererendat ik banden onderhoud met het régime in Iran, heeft mijnreputatie schade geleden. Let op, hier wil ik geen geld voor, ikwil dat de Universiteit excuses aanbiedt.
2. Mijn contract met de Universiteit loopt tot eind februari. Ikwil dat ze zich daaraan houden. Ik ben bereid in die periode naarRotterdam te komen om college te geven, maar dat wil deUniversiteit niet.
Mijn advocaat en ik hebben de Universiteit twee maanden de tijdgegeven om met mij in gesprek te gaan. Vergeefs. Daarom hebben wevorige week besloten om naar de rechter te stappen.”
De Erasmus Universiteit bevestigt dat Ramadan juridischestappen heeft genomen. Verder wil men niet op de zaakingaan.
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