Bereikbare en duurzame Randstad

Nieuws | de redactie
3 november 2009 | Hoe wordt de Randstad duurzaam bereikbaar? Meer asfalt of meer kennis inzetten? Prof. Martin Dijst (UU) gaat een integraal verkeer/energie/omgeving/gedrag concept en beleid helpen ontwerpen.

Dijst reveices a 1 million Euro grant from NWO for the researchproject CESAR: Climate and Environmental change and SustainableAccessibility of the Randstad. This grant is awarded by theProgramme Committee in the second round of the NWO-programmeSustainable Accessibility Randstad.

In this second round of the DBR programme the focus is on theconsequences of climate change and energy transition for thetraffic and transport systems in the Randstad and the synergybetween urban and infrastructure networks in the Randstad.

Due to the proximity of the sea and high level of urbanization theRandstad is expected to face serious consequences of climate changemore than other Dutch regions. Increased city temperatures andprecipitation variability are some of the potential effects.

The challenge of the programme CESAR is first to unravel thecomplex relationships between the spatial configuration of landuses and infrastructures, meteorological processes and behaviouraldecisions concerning mobility patterns, residential locations andcar ownership.

Second, CESAR will integrate this knowledge in the improvedinteractive planning support system ‘Urban Strategy’ to balanceclimate demands on space with other interests of the Randstad. Forthat purpose

  1. knowledge transfer mechanisms will be designed and testedand
  2. a ‘climate proof’ Urban Strategy model will be developed andassessed in participatory workshops.

CESAR will result in improved knowledge and tools to supportstrategic spatial planning in the Randstad and concrete spatialscenarios to cope with future changing climate conditions.

Other partners in the CESAR-project are University of Amsterdam,Wageningen University, Radboud University and TNO.

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