Digitalisering is alleen effectief als het een inhoudelijk doel heeft

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Digital tools in education – On Usage, Effects and the Role of the Teacher
Digitale hulpmiddelen in het Onderwijs
Effektiv användning av IKT I undervisningen
Haelermans, C. (2018). Sveriges läromedelsförfattares Förbund. Tikdskrift Manus, 1 2018, 4-5.
Evaluating didactical interventions in primary and secondary education
Haelermans, C. & Ghysels, J. (2017a). In Johnes et al. (Eds.). Handbook of Contemporary Education Economics. G. Johnes, J. Johnes, T. Agasisti and L. López-Torres, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 141-161.
The Differential Effect of Basic Mathematics Skills Homework via a Web-Based Intelligent Tutoring System Across Achievement Subgroups and Mathematics Domains: A Randomized Field Experiment
Bartelet, D., Ghysels, J., Groot, W., Haelermans, C., & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2016). Journal of Educational Psychology, 108(1), 1-20.
Does Technology in Schools Affect Repetition, Dropout and Enrolment?
Christia, J. P., Czerwonko, A., & Garofalo, P. (2014). Journal of Applied Economics, 17(1), 89–112.
The Impact of Internet Subsidies in Public Schools
Goolsbee, A., & Guryan, J. (2006). Review of Economics and Statistics, 88(2), 336-347.
The Effect of Individualized Digital Practice on Math Skills at Home – Evidence from a Randomized Experiment on Whether and Why it Works
Haelermans, C., & Ghysels, J. (2017b). Computers and Education, 113(1), 119-134.
The effect of extra funding for disadvantaged pupils on achievement
Leuven, E., Lindahl, M., Oosterbeek, H., & Webbink, D. (2007). The Review of Economic and Statistics, 89(4), 721-736.
New technologies in schools: Is there a payoff?
Machin, S., McNally, S., & Silva, O. (2007). New technologies in schools: Is there a payoff? The Economic Journal, 117, 1145-1167.
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