On the Agenda – Week 2, 2019
Take 1 –Education
#China: Hundreds of #Uyghur scholars and intellectuals have been targeted in #Xinjiang. Read more: https://t.co/POeIB7fXPS via @nytimes
— Scholars At Risk (@ScholarsAtRisk) 7 januari 2019
A rising cost of living and anti-immigrant sentiment has led tech workers to shun America in favour of Canada https://t.co/kdfIvHMNjZ
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) 9 januari 2019
Policymakers’ concern about white working-class boys’ chances of entering higher education in England is based on “manipulation and selective use” of datahttps://t.co/W02T1JNVlx
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) 9 januari 2019
Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, as recently as late last year explored the possibility of becoming president of the University of South Carolina https://t.co/p1WZcdXzZn
— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) 7 januari 2019
Take 2 –Research
At @WIRED @Joi writes a tour de force article about the current state of affairs in paywall/open publishing and our efforts with the @medialab to create a new “open knowledge ecosystem,” through the work of the @KnowledgeFuture https://t.co/WQjI7UhMLG #OpenAccess #OA #Publishing pic.twitter.com/ADkJZK5vlI
— MIT Press (@mitpress) 9 januari 2019
Are you a researcher affected by the US government shutdown? Let us know in the story ???????? https://t.co/rsnsqXg5aN
— Nature News & Comment (@NatureNews) 7 januari 2019
Some Indian “scientists” have hit out at speakers at a major science conference for making irrational claims, dismissing Newton and Einstein, saying that ancient Hindus had invented stem cell research — Religion based theories replacing science with mythshttps://t.co/kk7GsGx66e pic.twitter.com/9npv0QkyrK
— Alfons López Tena #FBPE (@alfonslopeztena) 7 januari 2019
“Whatever @peterboghossian was trying to prove — and whether his approach could have proven it is also the subject of debate — the ends don’t obviate the need for human-subjects protections and good research practices.” https://t.co/2CxjuRoJfk
— Retraction Watch (@RetractionWatch) 8 januari 2019
Take 3 –Italy
Italian academics have warned that the south of the country could be turned into a higher education “desert”https://t.co/ZNYDptBHda
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) 9 januari 2019
Italy’s health chief quit because of the government’s anti-vaxxer beliefs https://t.co/6AaNynxKlv
— The Independent (@Independent) 5 januari 2019
Italy and Poland want ‘new spring’ in Europe: Salvini https://t.co/AW1tcX8hUT pic.twitter.com/QXOFlA7AqB
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 9 januari 2019
Italy’s unemployment rate falls slightly, to 10.5% https://t.co/PJegcU4uEg pic.twitter.com/HsgADifIrY
— Bloomberg (@business) 9 januari 2019
Meest Gelezen
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“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap